Commercial Customers

Customer Job Type Services/Product Provided
24-Hour Club Roof replacement Standing Seam Steel
AAMCO Ins. claim hurricane Metal Retro Fit, Duro-Last Single-Ply
Bluebonnet Circle Shopping Center Roof replacement Duro-Last Single -Ply
Commercial Metals Ins. claim hurricane Metal Building structural repairs 
Crockett Insurance Agency Ins. claim hail Duro-Last Single-Ply
Dripping Springs Realty Roof replacement Standing Seam Steel
Fox Hollow Condos Ins. claim hail Re-roof
Hawk Club Ins. claim hurricane Composition Shingle, 
Krause Café Ins. claim hail Re-roof, Structural Repair
LumiQuest Industries New Construction Single-Ply, Metal Roof, General Contractor
McCoy's Re-roof R-Panel Metal Roof
McCoy's Service Roof Waterproofing
McCoy's Re-roof R-Panel Metal Roof
McCoy's Re-roof R-Panel Metal Roof
Mid Iowa Equipment Ins. claim hail Metal, Structural Wall
Montana Mikes Restaurant Service Duro-Last Single-Ply
Motivational Productions Ins. claim hail Architectural Shingles
Office Depot New construction EPDM Single-Ply
Petro Fuels Ins. claim hurricane Water Damage, Roofing, Structural
Pizza Hut/Thunder Cloud Subs Ins. claim hail Duro-Last Single-Ply
Plaza Condo c/o First State Bank Service Waterproofing
Ramada Convention Center Ins. claim hail Duro-Last Single-Ply, standing seam metal
River City Smoked Meat Co. Ins. claim hail Composition Shingle
Rockwood Retail Center New Construction Duro-Last Single-Ply, Standing Seam Steel
Rocky River Ranch Re-roof Duro-Last Single-Ply
Saida's Receptions Ins. claim wind Duro-Last Single-Ply, Composition Shingle
Sonic Drive-In Roof replacement Duro-Last Single-Ply
Super 8 Motel Ins. claim tornado Standing Seam Steel
Toys R Us Remodel Standing Seam Steel
Southpark Shopping Center New construction Standing Seam Steel, Duro-last single ply
Westfire Inc. Ins. claim/Fire Galvatile Steel


Customer Job Type Services/Product Provided
Austin Scottish Rite Learning Center and Temple Ins. claim hail Composition Shingles
Bluffton United States Post Office  Ins. claim hail Duro-Last Single-Ply
Dept. of Public Safety  Storm damage Standing Seam Steel
Eden Home Assisted Living Center  Ins. claim hail Composition shingles,Canopy’s,built-up
Intermediate Sanction Facility Penitentiary  Leak repair Metal Roof Waterproofing
Kyle Library  Roof replacement Duro-Last Single-Ply
LCRA Buchanan Dam Administrative Building  Roof replacement Standing Seam Steel
Mahtomedi Independent School District  Service Firestone EPDM
McKenna Hospital  Service EPDM, Composition Shingles, Waterproofing
McKenna Professional Building  Service Roof Waterproofing
National Weather Service  Hail repair Composition Shingles
New Braunfels Law Enforcement Roof replacement Standing Seam Steel
Safety Railway Services  Ins. claim hurricane Duro-Last Single-Ply/5-V Steel,Modified Bitumen
Sour Lake UMC  Ins. claim huricane Duro-Last Single-Ply
Nebraska Teachers Federal Credit Union  New construction Standing Seam Steel
Texas Cancer Center  Ins. claim hail Metal Roof, Duro-Last Single-Ply
US Oncology Cancer Treatment Center Repair Duro-Last Single-Ply, Standing Seam Steel


Customer Job Type Services/Product Provided
Bay View Townhomes Service Duro-Last Single-Ply/tile/waterproofing
Carlton Courtyard Apartments Ins. claim hail Comp. Shingle
Lakewood at Meadow Woods Ins. claim hurricane Tile repair
Lyndale Arms Ins. claim hail Roofing, Siding, Windows
Shady Hollow Homeowners Assoc. Ins. claim hail Granulated Steel Shingle
Summit Village Homeowner's Association Ins. claim hurricane Comp. Shingle,structural,fencing, concrete
Superior Shores Lodges Ins. claim wind Roofing
Torrey Place Apts. Ins. claim hail Comp. Shingles/chimney resurfacing
Valley Forge Apartments Ins. claim hail Comp. shingle re-roofing
Williamsburg-Charleston Homeowners Assoc. Ins. claim hail Architectural Shingle, Siding, Structural,garage doors 
Yellow Stone Apartments Ins. claim hail Roofing & siding
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